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Benefits of Archiving Data

Reid Hanson

Archiving. This has become a common practice in the modern world. The notion of archiving tends to fall somewhere in between a meticulously organized filing cabinet and that random junk drawer where we toss things that we deem "probably important" that everyone seems to have. But why should we archive our data?

Difference between Archive vs Backup

Let's be honest with ourselves, do you actually know the difference between archiving a file versus backing it up? I'll be honest and say that I've often used the phrases interchangeably with each other thinking that they're synonymous. In reality, the difference between archiving something versus backing it up is a matter of time in which the data will be accessed.

Data backups are designed for rapid recovery where you intend on using that information immediately. You've most likely experienced this when Microsoft Word betrays you and freezes without allowing you to save your most recent changes. We've all been in those shoes where you ruefully close out of the frozen

document you've poured your heart and soul into and, with bated breath, reopen the document. Lucky for you, Microsoft Word has a built in backup that (usually) allows you to recover your most recent edits.

Archiving, on the other hand, is used to store data that you do not use on a regular basis, such as your decedent case records, yearly tax returns, or that screenplay you've been working on about a person who is a physician by day and a vampire by night. Don't worry, we know how tough writer's block can be and it's okay that you haven't touched your screenplay in a few years. That spark of inspiration will come back; we believe in you.

Benefits to Archiving Data

Improved Computer Performance

With running your mortuary transport service or mortuary service, of course one of your main priorities will be the impact on the time and money associated with your business. Fortunately, archiving your data saves your company both time and money in the long run. Your computers will experience improved performance since the data will be removed from your backups and removes the need to restore unnecessary files. Essentially, it clears out the clutter and gives your computer space to focus on the day to day processes.

Improved Productivity & Space

Maintaining an obsolete system for the sake of keeping their data is a cumbersome task. Archiving your data frees up the time spent maintaining and managing the onsite backup storage. Even though we might have filing cabinets full of decedent information, having a paper based system is a very archaic workflow. If you're curious as to why you should move from paper based to digital workflows, click here.

Data Consolidation

It is far easier and far less stressful keeping all of the relevant information in a digital archive. Billing requires obtaining information from different sources and searching for those sources can be time consuming. Stop wasting your time and putting yourself at risk for papercuts by parsing through all the papers in the filing cabinet. Search for everything in one digitized location and risk carpal tunnel instead. (Hint: To avoid carpal tunnel, avoid typing with your wrists bent all the way up or down and try keeping your keyboard at elbow height or slightly lower.)

Increased Security & Reduced Data Loss

This is pretty self-explanatory. The information you collect is personal and sensitive information. By securely archiving your documents, you prevent unauthorized third parties from accessing this data. Unfortunately, there have been reports of organizations whose data has been leaked or stolen by embittered former employees. This threat is eliminated by storing the data in a secure, offsite server.

Increased Data Access

It's hard to audit a file box of folders and papers from your beach vacation villa. Sand, much like glitter, gets everywhere and is impossible to completely remove.

Regulatory Compliance & Reduced Data Loss

Having your data archived ensures that your organization remains in compliance with applicable regulations and the law. Additionally, because the data being stored in a secure server puts the data an extra degree of separation from people who have access to it, data immutability is less likely to happen. While it does not completely prevent changes from being made, audit trails make it possible to see who made any changes and to know when this edit occurred.

Regardless of how you choose to store your documents, whether it's in a junk drawer to a structured management solution, archiving doesn’t have to be a complicated ordeal. It only has to make sense to you and who you want to pass the liability onto in the future. Alternatively, if you don't care what becomes of the person succeeding you, you can always opt for the ticker tape parade exit. For more information, let's talk:


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